September 2024 Blood Cancer Awareness Month

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Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Blood Cancer Awareness Month is held annually every September. Throughout the month, ALLG has been raising awareness of blood cancer research, its impact on patients, and the importance role that ALLG clinical trials play in creating new and better treatments for blood cancer patients  across Australia and New Zealand.

ALLG clinician researchers work collaboratively to develop new trial research that use new cutting-edge blood cancer therapies. Our 75 + trials are not just about delivering better treatments for patients, but about ensuring better quality of life and better survival, while we aim for a cure.

Raising Awareness of Blood Cancer

During Blood Cancer Awareness Month, ALLG focused on sharing key awareness days to highlight the impact of blood cancer research. Through our ALLG Community Newsletter, Edition 9, website and social media platforms we showcased our research leaders, key ALLG trials and the teams behind the scenes work together to deliver the best research, evidence-based results and effective treatment outcomes for patients.

The ALLG team also came together during Blood Cancer Awareness Month to raise funds for blood cancer research, going ‘Red4Research’ at a special morning tea event. ALLG teams also participated in an engaging presentation from ALLG Member Professor Mark Hertzberg on the final results of the ALLG HD10 / German Hodgkin Study Group HD21 collaboration and why international collaborations are essential to driving research.

ALLG’s influence extends far beyond Australia and New Zealand. Our robust governance, infrastructure and ability to participate in large-scale international trials have enabled us to make a global impact with leading cooperative groups. We are dedicated to our mission to deliver better treatments and better lives for blood cancer patients worldwide.

ALLG GoRed4Research

ALLG Staff


Blood Cancer Research Works

ALLG clinical trials that assess the effectiveness and safety of new treatments are vital to improving standard of care blood cancer treatments and patient outcomes. Our Blood Cancer Awareness Month edition 9 of  ALLG News, highlighted  new technology advancements in the fight against cancer and the impact for patients who participate in ALLG trials. We also put a spotlight on two significant trials that are positively impacting blood cancer treatments, the HD10 and AMLM26 trials:

Results of ALLG’s HD10 trial for advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma, in collaboration with the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG), are now setting the benchmark for how this blood cancer is treated. The new treatment regimen has fewer side effects, uses more targeted drugs that result in fewer treatment cycles, and excellent fertility preservation.

Trial lead, Professor Mark Hertzberg, recently discussed the importance and impact of the ALLG HD10 trial on ABC Radio’s Health Report with Dr Norman Swan.

Our AMLM26 INTERCEPT trial, investigating treatments for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), is a major advancement in its design and operations that will deliver new medicines to patients. It has also received FDA approval to open in the United States at the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center.

You can read more about our complete clinical trial portfolio across the full spectrum of blood cancer in our 2023 Research Report.


ALLG CEO Delaine Smith Reflects on Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Blood Cancer Awareness Month was an opportunity to reflect on the global impact of ALLG’s work and to be reinvigorated with our purpose of creating Better treatments…Better lives!

ALLG doctor volunteers, members and staff work tirelessly to accelerate new treatment opportunities for those diagnosed and living with blood cancer.

New treatments are delivered through clinical trials, and clinical trials generate the data and evidence we need to improve clinical care and practice.

ALLG has improved survival rates and quality of life for Australian and New Zealand patients by forging strong global relationships, enabling us to foster a fast clinical trial pathway for new medicines.

ALLG delivers life-changing therapies across Australia and New Zealand for large-scale or small-scale trials. Equity for all patients, regardless of age or location, is paramount and recently exemplified in our HD10 trial, which achieved superior outcomes for patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin Lymphoma.

There is still more to do, so I ask you to continue beyond blood cancer awareness month to support the 1,200 + volunteer ALLG doctor members and staff to remain at the forefront of blood cancer research through delivering clinical trials that create Better treatments…Better lives.

Prof Mark Hertzberg AM

Professor Mark Hertzberg AM

ALLG CEO Delaine Smith

ALLG CEO Delaine Smith

ALLG’s Impact – Blood Cancer Treatments

Our mission is to create better treatments and better lives for patients with blood cancer. ALLG has had over five decades of impact in blood cancer clinical trials. Our research has shifted the dial for patients and changed how blood cancers are treated globally.

ALLG’s 1,200 + researcher members conduct clinical trials across all blood cancers, including Acute and Chronic Leukaemias, Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin Lymphomas, Multiple Myeloma, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs).

As we accelerate our impact into our 51st year and beyond, we remain committed to pursuing new and innovative therapies to create Better treatments…Better Lives for people living with blood cancer.

Help support our research, as we aim for a cure.