Celebrating World Cancer Research Day

 In News
Clinical Trial Leaders AMLM26

Blood cancers make up the fourth biggest group of diagnosed cancers in Australia (19,400 a year) and that number continues to rise. Research is the only way to develop new, better treatments for blood cancers like leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

World Cancer Research Day is an essential day that raises awareness of how important research is to making a difference for patients and facilitating equitable access to cutting-edge treatments for blood cancer patients globally.

ALLG and our member researchers are at the forefront of clinical trial research in Australasia and beyond. Our continuous investigation of new trial concepts and our international collaborations with leading cancer research groups are helping to change how blood cancer is treated and providing significant opportunities for patients to access advances in cancer therapies.

Innovation is not just essential – it is the driving force behind blood cancer research. Innovation is key to improving early detection, diagnosis, treatment and ultimately, survival rates and quality of life for patients with blood cancer.

Read more about ALLG’s clinical trial portfolio in our Research Report.

The Importance of Increasing Social Awareness of Clinical Trials

ALLG has had five decades of impact in blood cancer research, and we are the only not-for-profit, collaborative blood cancer clinical trial group in Australasia.

ALLG has over 1400 members across eight Scientific Working Parties and five Standing Committees, all dedicated to creating Better treatments and better lives for patients with blood cancer. Our research impact is a testament to the dedication of our expert haematologists who volunteer their time and knowledge as we strive to better understand and treat blood cancers.

ALLG, in its commitment to advancing cancer research, endorses the World Cancer Day Research declaration. We believe in the intrinsic value of creating awareness of blood cancer clinical trials and results through social media communities. This awareness not only drives progress but establishes a vital connection with blood cancer patients, informing them of innovative treatment options.

SAC Chair Judith Trotman

Professor Judith Trotman

Chair – ALLG’s Science Advisory Committee

International Collaborations are Key to Success

ALLG is extensively networked with our international research peers through our trial conduct and 50 years of impact. These international collaborations are essential to drive and progress evidence-based treatment practice changes worldwide. Our collaboration on the ALLG HD10 trial, led by Professor Mark Hertzberg AM with the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG), is just one of our impactful clinical trials. The final results of this trial demonstrated superior outcomes for survival, quality of life and fertility. The HD10 results have now set a benchmark for how this type of Hodgkin lymphoma will be treated globally.

Another significant international collaboration is with our AMLM26 INTERCEPT clinical trial, which recently received FDA approval to open in the United States at the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center. AMLM26 aims to treat Acute Myeloid Leukaemia patients before they relapse, by monitoring their minimal residual disease (MRD) levels. Patients are enrolled onto the trial platform and receive cutting-edge genomic screening and personalised, targeted treatments to keep them in remission longer and with better survival outcomes.

International collaborations are an important part of ALLG’s scientific research strategy, ensuring:

  • Access to medical advancements for Australasian patients
  • Support for research into rarer blood cancers
  • Driving research and progress in blood cancer treatments

Partnering with world-renowned blood cancer research groups results in significant international clinical trials that improve the standard of care through research-based evidence that changes practice, ultimately benefitting patients.

Prof Mark Hertzberg AM

Professor Mark Hertzberg AM



Pictured L-R: Jenny Collins Project Manager NBCR, Delaine Smith ALLG CEO, Dr Natasha Anstee CI, Dr Sun Loo CI, Amanda Souza Senor Trial Project Manager, Prof Andrew Wei CI & Rev Sharma CR

Strong Foundations, Strong Trial Research

ALLG’s clinical trials and research have driven progress in blood cancer treatments and have improved survival rates for patients for over 50 years. ALLG provides strong infrastructure and governance to support and conduct our member’s clinical trials, through our skilled clinical trial operations team across four states of Australia.

Through our Safety and Data Monitoring Committee and our Quality and Safety Project Managers, ALLG is well-placed to progress the cycle of research through trial concept development and conduct, to analysing and re-using trial data to inform future clinical research that progresses better treatments.

ALLG continues to lead a strong clinical trial research portfolio across all bloods cancers to address unmet needs and accelerate better outcomes for patients.

This World Cancer Research Day, please consider making a donation to ALLG’s blood cancer research. Your support is essential to help us drive the change needed to achieve our mission of Better treatments, better lives for patients with blood cancer.